Share the stage to engage
Case Studies
Discover how other companies, conferences and classrooms use Piccles to make their experiences more interactive.
Get started in 3 steps
Create prompts and response types.
Share with your community for instant interaction with no download required.
After discussing responses you can transform them into data visualizations and art works.

Integrate Piccles into Zoom, Slack and websites.
Cultivate your creativity, 1 drawing a day.
Join thousands of others building creative confidence in our FREE text community and get:
Quote on creativity
New daily prompt
Recap of the previous days responses
Where it works
Everywhere people gather
Networking, audience engagement and booth activations
Workshops, teambuilding and company town halls
Connect your in-person and virtual audiences wherever they are

Our hypothesis
Everyone holds a piece of the puzzle
We cannot make sense of the world from just one perspective. Nature is diverse, creative, and collaborative. It's colorful and beautiful and ugly. But too often, it's only those in power whose perspective is heard.
We believe building anonymous, authentic and primitive forms of expression will allow us to connect and communicate as humans have naturally done for thousands of years, but using the internet lets us have the scale of global connection and storytelling.
Using drawing as a visual communication tool that transcends age, culture, and class, every human can share their special blend of weirdness while feeling part of the bigger picture.
Then, it is an ever-changing puzzle that we each hold a piece to.