Engaging Students at BU IdeaCon

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A creative experience about entrepreneur's inspiration

Engaging Students at BU IdeaCon

Boston University needed a creative way to engage local student entrepreneurs during their annual IdeaCon conference.

Looking for a way for students to share their inspiration and inspire eachother, they designed a Piccles activation to turn the screens around the event into interactive drawing boards.

This gave students something a way to stay engaged waiting for the main conference hall to open up. And after it did, the same board was projected live on the screen on stage.

Students furiously filled the board with their inspiration while an MC used the promote functionality to highlight select responses.

To cap things off, the Piccles team turned around their fastest video yet, downloading all of the drawings and turning them into this two minute video in just two hours.

The University of New Hampshire's Entrepreneurship Director, Ian Grant, clearly has some fans.