Playing with a Purpose

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Engaging and connect with your team

Playing with a Purpose

Teambuilding experts Sharon and Josh of Play with a Purpose are always on the lookout for new ways to:

  • Spark creativity
  • Provide unique networking opportunities
  • Engage attendees
  • Connect teams through shared exploration

After seeing a demo of Piccles, they saw an opportunity to hold "digital conversations through drawings" and built a program around it.

As guests hop between Zoom rooms, they meet upwards of 60 people in an hour. In each room, there is either a pre-planned conversation topic, or the folks in the room can choose a topic using visual communication through drawing.

The goal is to get to know other people, build relationships, and share creative ideas, opinions, and insights that will help others.

"The pure art of drawing (please rest assured, if you can draw a stick figure you can participate in this event!) sparks easy and natural sharing. And in the end, the mural of images creates lasting impressions."

Sharon and Josh customize the event to meet specific learning outcomes of their clients. This includes getting a better understanding of ones team through insightful questions, gauge knowledge and comprehension of company policy, product or ideals. Lastly, this can be a fun tool that is used to simply engage with and enjoy one another!

During their first demo of Piccles, the Play With a Purpose team also created the now now-infamous Mona Lisa.

All drawings are anonymous, but we have our suspicions who gave her boobs 🤫