Touch and Visualize: National Braille Literacy Month Inspired Drawings with Piccles

Jon Zajac
Jon Zajac

Jon is Cofounder & Chief Product Officer at Piccles

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National Braille Literacy Month
Photo creditS. Tsuchiya by Unsplash

Introduction to National Braille Literacy Month

National Braille Literacy Month is observed annually in January to celebrate the incredible contribution of Louis Braille in making written language accessible to visually impaired individuals. The month underscores the importance of Braille as a means of communication and education for the blind community, and it serves as a reminder to advocate for literacy for all. Across the country, people recognize this month by engaging in events and activities that raise awareness and express solidarity. It is a time marked by acknowledgment, learning, and empowerment as we reflect on the strides made in Braille literacy.

Piccles: A New Way to Celebrate

Piccles introduces an innovative and inclusive approach to celebrating National Braille Literacy Month. This digital platform transcends traditional boundaries by providing a space where people can come together to create and share art in a way that is accessible and enjoyable for everyone. With Piccles, the act of drawing becomes a playful and communal experience, adding a modern twist to the holiday's theme. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a first-time doodler, Piccles invites you to express yourself and engage with others through the universal language of creativity.

Connecting National Braille Literacy Month with Piccles

In honor of National Braille Literacy Month, Piccles can be used to bridge the gap between visual and tactile experiences. Individuals and communities can create drawings inspired by Braille, using dotted patterns that mimic the Braille alphabet, or simply share expressions of what literacy means to them. These drawings can then be shared in online galleries or social media to spread awareness. Furthermore, Piccles can encourage collaboration on art projects that symbolize the journey of learning and the importance of accessible education. Such activities not only honor the spirit of the holiday but also foster a deeper level of understanding and engagement among all participants.

Certified fresh Piccles prompts

  1. Introduction to Braille Drawing: People could use Piccles to draw Braille characters, learning how to write and recognize the alphabet and numbers by using the application.
  2. Braille Name Challenge: People can attempt to draw their names in Braille, introducing them to a new form of communication.
  3. Braille Poetry Drawing: People could be prompted to draw a Braille translation of a simple, famous poem. This would stimulate inclusive creativity and enjoyment.
  4. Historical Braille Figures Drawing: People could use Piccles to draw famous figures in the history of Braille, increasing awareness about the importance of Braille literacy.
  5. Favorite Book Title in Braille: People could be challenged to draw the title of their favorite book in Braille, creating a discussions about favorite literature while increasing Braille literacy.
  6. Braille Phrases Dedication: Introduce a prompt for users to dedicate a phrase in Braille to a loved one, where they could also share the meaning behind the phrase.
  7. Draw Braille Quotation: People can express famous quotes in Braille, promoting understanding and appreciation for Braille.
  8. Create Braille Art: Piccles can be used to create abstract art using Braille characters, emphasizing the aesthetic dimension of the code.
  9. Informative Drawing about Braille: People could use Piccles to draw fact-based, educational graphics about the invention of Braille and its impact.
  10. Draw a Braille Story: Users can create a short story in Braille with Piccles, which could then be translated by others, encouraging a deeper understanding.
  11. Prompt about Braille Devices: Piccles can offer drawing prompts about real and imagined devices used by the blind, promoting sensitivity and understanding for the visually impaired community.
  12. Braille Alphabet Challenge: People could engage in an out-of-the-box activity by drawing the complete Braille alphabet.
  13. Drawing 'Thank You' in Braille: Piccles users can draw 'Thank You' in Braille, emphasizing gratitude and inclusivity.
  14. Shared Sequence: Users can engage in a continuous shared drawing sequence with others, aiming to write a message in Braille.
  15. Colors and Braille: Children can be introduced to Braille through color codes. They can draw the Braille equivalent for each color's name.
  16. Braille Tutorials: The app can provide basic tutorials for Braille, where users can practice by drawing the characters.
  17. Braille Music Notes: Music lovers can learn about the musical application of Braille by drawing music notes.
  18. Braille Emojis: Piccles users can design their own Braille code for their favorite emoji and share it with others.
  19. Famous Landmarks in Braille: People can draw famous landmarks' names in Braille, learning more about the writing system while sharing about their dream destinations or favorite places.
  20. Celebrity Names in Braille: Users can draw their favorite celebrity's name in Braille, creating a playful and entertaining experience.
  21. Fictional Characters' Names in Braille: People can draw the names of their favorite fictional characters in Braille, bonding over shared interests.
  22. Design a Braille Poster: Users could be challenged to design a poster that incorporates Braille, promoting creativity and inclusivity.
  23. Draw a Braille Puzzle: Users can create and solve puzzles with messages written in Braille, enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  24. Daily Braille Challenges: By providing daily prompts requiring users to draw different words in Braille, they can improve their decoding skills over time.